In episode 003 Go Face Yourself, we review Justine Bateman’s Face: One Square Foot of Skin and “Face” the fear of getting older and (gasp!) looking like it. We were pleasantly disappointed by how painful it is to be a woman and survive and God forbid, get wrinkles. You can’t age, you can’t not age, we are judged no matter what we do, and the worst of it? We are judging ourselves and each other. We both agree that Justine Bateman is such a BADASS woman, she is complicated, and far more than just a face in the crowd, she stands out for so much more.
This book made us realize that we are not alone, to be nice to our faces, to appreciate the wrinkles because a wrinkle is an experience and to remember to chill…. it really is just one square foot of skin.